#WeAreVTS: Discover How Andrew Campagnola’s Journey in Access Management Fuels Innovation at VTS

Rex Mullens

The VTS team consists of folks with a diverse set of personalities, talents, and perspectives, and we want you to meet them! That’s why we’ve created this #WeAreVTS blog series to highlight some of the many outstanding people we have at VTS, get a closer look at the dynamic lives they have, and continue to create an environment where each VTSer can be their authentic self.

Without further ado, here’s our interview with Andrew Campagnola, VP, Strategic Initiatives!

Tell us about your role here at VTS!

I am the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at VTS, based out of our New York Headquarters. I leverage my security industry expertise to steer the company through the complexities of the global access control landscape, focusing on our access revenue strategy.

I work cross-functionally with our product, design, & engineering side of the organization and the revenue teams to help understand how we can continue to be competitive in the access control market. With my history in the security industry, I consult on the latest technology we should keep an eye on and help our teams to have an access control lens when speaking with customers and crafting solutions.

Through my role, our teams can move forward with a unified approach to their work, maintain consistency across partnerships and products, avoid pitfalls I’ve seen in the past, and better navigate other strategic areas where I can be of assistance.

I am a dedicated resource at VTS to help navigate all things access and how to be competitive.

Can you describe your professional journey and how it led you to VTS?

Having had the privilege of working across different facets of the security industry — from the hands-on integration side to roles in manufacturing with engineering, sales, and channel strategy — I’ve assembled a deep and multifaceted understanding that’s invaluable to my current position.

Understanding the intricate details of product development from an engineering perspective has given me the ability to communicate the real-world benefits of access and security solutions. My time in sales and business development helps me to understand customer needs and build long-term partnerships.

Ultimately, the combination of these factors brought me to VTS and allowed me to blend this expertise into one role. VTS is not an access control company, but we do help our customers solve foundational needs by enabling and integrating access solutions — helping to navigate this is a unique opportunity that brought me to VTS.

What excites you about what you do at VTS?

Before I joined VTS, I worked remotely for 10 years — long before COVID made working from home a regular part of our work week. I have a fire within me to be part of a company that truly makes an impact on the market and delivers value to customers, and I was ready for more in-person collaboration.

When I met the team at VTS, I was blown away by their passion and tenacity to be the best technology partner the proptech industry has ever seen. That drive really resonated with me, and now as a VTS team member, I see that passion in every aspect of the company.

I get to wake up every day and work on something I care very much about with teams that are just as passionate as I am. It’s an easy decision to pick the office over my couch.

Is there a moment in your time here that made you especially proud to work at VTS?

There’s one situation in particular that makes me really proud of being at VTS.

We recently worked with the CTO of a very large property owner, and they were replacing their entire access control system. In the access industry there are no widely adopted standards, so for a company to standardize an entire portfolio over 100 million square feet of real estate it is a big deal that will have an impact for years.

While VTS integrates with many access control systems so we don’t have skin in the game, per say, on what they choose, they asked our recommendation on which to select and implement. This is a testament to VTS being more than just a solution provider — we are a trusted partner committed to the future success of our customers’ organizations.

I’ve always seen the reactive nature of many organizations throughout my career in the security industry, and had to help fix operational problems caused by a lack of future planning. In this case, the customer valued us as their technology partner, not their technology vendor. They knew we were in it together and would help set them up for long-term success.

How did your experience at Chamberlain Group and in the Access Management industry shape the ideas you bring to VTS?

Chamberlain Group was the first company I’ve been a part of that was not specifically focused on access control. In my role there, I strategically restructured areas to be more competitive and help grow the company to be a leader in our space. I quickly learned what worked, what areas we were entering too quickly, and overlooked items that needed more rigor and attention.

Being a change agent at a new organization is a very delicate process. I think of it as being a new organ in a body — the body has been operating one way for a long time and is comfortable with how it is, and I’m coming in to have them think about things differently. If everything goes well, the body will be more successful and healthy, but if approached the wrong way, it can be painful.

I learned a lot from that phase. While I may not have all the answers initially, my goal is for our teams to approach problems with precision and care, ensuring that we find solutions that will ultimately lead to our success. Also, with offerings like access, which involve so many moving parts, it’s critical to understand the whole picture. Offerings that make the most impact are not a single product or business component but, rather, how all the pieces fit together to offer a seamless package.

At the end of the day, every previous role has been a building block, and the insights gained have sculpted my approach in advancing our strategic initiatives.

What’s your advice for someone who wants to be in a role similar to yours?

Be curious! Ask a lot of questions, and don’t be afraid to break out of the status quo. Networking, getting a diverse range of ideas and perspectives, and really listening will set someone up for success to be in a role like mine. The access world is constantly changing so it’s essential to keep learning and improving your skill set to keep up.

Also, when my teams are trying to solve a problem, I encourage them to think as far outside the box as possible. What’s the craziest solution to a problem? From there, you can reel it back into reality and uncover a solution that’s innovative but feasible.

If you could wave a magic wand to solve any problem in the world, what would it be?

I fundamentally believe that humans are great problem solvers. If there was one root problem that we could magically solve, I’d say bridging any political divide or disagreements.

It sounds so simple, “If everyone could just get along!” Well, if we could, we’d have a more unified society that fosters greater understanding, respect, and collaboration among people with different views and perspectives.

I hope that by helping teams here at VTS work better together, the impact will cascade.


Louisa is a Senior Talent Acquisition Manager at VTS.

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