Latest Data Shows Rental Prices Decline or Stagnate Across Major Capital Cities.

Rex Mullens

key takeaways

Key takeaways

Domain’s June Quarter Rent Report indicates that renters are fnally seeing some relief, with most major cities experiencing rent prices either declining, increasing at a slower pace, or stopping rising altogether.

For house rents, it marks the weakest June quarter since 2021 in Sydney and Melbourne, and since 2020 in Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth.

For unit rents, it was the weakest June quarter since 2021 in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, since 2020 in Canberra, and since 2018 in Perth.

Most capital cities are also seeing higher vacancy rates annually, suggesting rental conditions are shifting to alleviate rental pressures and slow the growth of rental prices.

Domain’s latest Rent Report for the June Quarter of 2024 reveals positive news for tenants, with several market indicators shifting in their favour.

The report also predicts that this trend will continue over the next year, providing further relief for tenants.

The biggest trend is that most major cities are seeing rent prices either declining, increasing at a slower pace, or stopped rising altogether.

For house rents, the pace of quarterly rental growth was 1.5 times slower than the previous quarter across the combined capitals, halved in Melbourne and Brisbane and seven times slower in Adelaide, while growth stalled in Sydney and Perth, and declined in Hobart.

House rents June 2024

For unit rents , the pace of quarterly growth was halved across the combined capitals, three times slower in Brisbane, stalled in Melbourne, Perth and Hobart, and down in Canberra and Darwin.

It was the weakest June quarter for unit rents since 2021 in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, since 2020 in Canberra, and since 2018 in Perth.

Unit rents

Furthermore, supporting the slowdown in rent price growth has been an improved vacancy rate (Table 3), Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra are at a six-month high, while Perth is now at a two-year high in June, Adelaide is at the highest point in two years and eight months, and Hobart is at a nine-month high.

house and unit rents

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