The 6 things buyers do that drive real estate agents crazy

Rex Mullens

Whether it’s your first, your fifth or even your 15th property, nothing quite beats that feeling of excitement that comes with making the decision to put an offer down on a property.

That said, buying property can be a long, arduous journey – which is why the real estate agent who is selling the home is there to help as much as they can.

Even though they are employed by the seller, and their primary goal is to get the best possible outcome for the property’s owner, you can turn to them for guidance, updates and information.

As a property buyer, there are a few things you should avoid when dealing with selling agents, lest you risk getting on their “bad side”.

Here are the top 5 things buyers do that drive real estate agents crazy:

real-estate agent receives a young couple interested to invest i

One of the most frustrating things for a real estate agent is when a buyer is not prepared for the home-buying process.

This means not having a pre-approval letter for a mortgage, not having a clear budget, and not knowing what they are looking for in a home.

Being unprepared can slow down the process and make it difficult for the agent to find the right fit for you as a buyer.

Sure everyone loves a bargain.

And yes we’re in a market where on many occasions the buyer has the upper hand

But when you’re buying a home, you need to do your research so you can demonstrate how and why you’ve come up with your lowball offer.

Submitting a low offer with no grounding or reasoning could give the listing agent the impression that you’re just a “tyre kicker”, and you’re not actually serious about securing the property.

Instead, if you choose to submit a low offer to get the ball rolling, communicate to the agent why you’ve come in at this amount.

Is the local market languishing?

Is the property located on the less desirable side of the street?

Is the home shabbier and in need of renovation, when compared to the neighbours’ homes’?

Qualify your offer, and the agent is more likely to take you seriously – and will then hopefully negotiate with you to create a win-win outcome for everyone.

You’ve done your research. You know what you’re looking for, you’ve done your due diligence, and you’ve crunched the numbers.

You know it all, right?

Possibly not.

research-find-search-property-investment-location-area-suburb-state-marketWhilst you always want to take any advice or insights from the selling agent with a grain of salt — after all, they are trying to sell the property as their main objective – you also need to keep an open mind when it comes to what they have to say.

They might let slip, for instance, that the sellers are a divorcing couple.

This could indicate that either, a) they are motivated to sell, and you can negotiate hard on price; or b) that it’s going to be a difficult sale process, as you will effectively be negotiating with two sellers who are not quite united in their needs and approach.

In other words: this could be a benefit or a drawback for potential buyers.

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