3 Things Home Stagers Wish Realtors Knew About Staging

Dan River

In a real estate world where buyers spend hours looking at pretty property pictures online, it can be tough to stand out in the crowd. In addition to home features, location and price, buyers are looking for somewhere they can see themselves. Because of that, home staging — or the lack thereof — can heavily influence a buyer’s decision to view a property or not. Here are three things professional home stagers wish every realtor knew about how staging services affect sales.

  1. First Impressions Matter

Whether you’re interviewing for a new job or going on a blind date, everyone knows first impressions are important. And the same goes for home buyers who are viewing a listing for the first time. On paper the property might match your client’s wish list perfectly, but if in person it’s overly cluttered or has a bold interior style they can’t see past, home buyers might struggle to see a property’s potential. 

That’s where home staging comes in. First, staging is not interior decorating. In fact, one of the sole purposes of staging is to remove design elements that only speak to a niche audience and instead to create a space that appeals to a wider demographic. This can include decluttering, removing personal items, re-organizing rooms for better flow, and introducing neutral touches that can help buyers picture themselves living in the home.

  1. Proper Staging Can Boost Sales

Staging a home costs money — there’s no way around that. But the idea is that investing in staging now means dividends — in the form of more interest, higher offers and less time on the market — later. Done right, home staging will highlight a property’s best features while minimizing its flaws. This will lead to better marketing photos that draw in and impress buyers, as well as more in-person viewings. In well-staged homes, buyers can even feel a mood created by stagers, which can help turn a logistical financial decision into an emotional one. Once buyers start picturing themselves in a property and seeing how it can improve their lifestyle or help them fulfill their dreams, they’re more likely to make an offer. The ultimate goal of staging is to help a home sell quickly and at the highest price possible.

  1. Partnerships Have Great Potential 

In every industry, but especially real estate, connections are key. Partnering with professional home stagers can benefit both parties — in more ways than one. Does your seller struggle to accept that their property might not sell at their desired price point or within their timeline? Home stagers can help with that. Often buyers will listen to a third party professional who offers insight about the aesthetics and flow of a home thus influencing their purchase decision.

Additionally, trusted partnerships can lead to quicker turnarounds, and shared projects in the future. Building better business relationships with stagers often leads to referrals in return. 

A New Generation of Buyers and Sellers

Clients are looking for realtors who have real estate expertise and professional connections that will help them prepare and quickly sell their home at the highest possible price. Creating a marketing plan that includes professional staging sets sellers up for success. 


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