New research reveals what Aussie renters are hiding from their landlords

Rex Mullens

Are your renters hiding something from you?

Well, according to Finder’s new research, many Aussie renters admit to being less than truthful with their landlords.

The survey with 810 renters revealed a quarter (26%) have hidden parts of their lives from their landlord or real estate agent – equivalent to 754,000 people.

Have you ever hidden anything from your landlord and/or real estate agent while renting?
Having a pet 10%
Smoking/vaping in a smoke-free space 7%
Hiding damage (e.g. holes in walls) 6%
Making improvements to the property (e.g. installed an air conditioner, painted the walls, installed nails on the wall, etc.) 6%
Subletting to an extra person without proper documentation 5%
Rented out on Airbnb, Stayz etc. without permission 3%
Running a commercial business on the property 2%
Other 1%
I’ve never hidden anything from my landlord and/or real estate agent 74%

Source: Finder survey of 810 respondents who have rented or currently rent, May 2023


The research found 1 in 10 (10%) have concealed a pet, making this the most common fib among renters, followed by smoking or vaping inside (7%).

Hiding damage such as a hole in the wall, or making improvements to the property without asking permission were each covered up by 6% of renters, respectively.

The data shows 5% of tenants sublet to an extra person without proper documentation or lease approvals, to make a bit of extra cash on the side.

A further 3% rented the space out on platforms like Stayz or Airbnb without permission.

Hiding things from your landlord or real estate agent could be considered a breach of your tenancy agreement.

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