Improving Deep Link Stability in the Android App

Rex Mullens

Searching for a home is often not a solo endeavor. Many people, including family, friends, and real estate agents, can be involved. Keeping everyone informed involves a lot of communication, and it’s common to share links to listings of homes and properties with others who are on the journey with you.

At, we use a third-party SDK called AppsFlyer to generate deep links—hyperlinks that lead to specific content within our app, such as a home listing or saved search. AppsFlyer provides a convenient way to create short deep links that can be easily shared via messaging apps, email, and other communication channels. If a recipient doesn’t have installed, the link will take them to the particular listing or search page on the website, which further has a banner at the top to lead the user to the Google Play store so they can quickly download it to view the linked content. It’s usually a seamless process. However, when deep links aren’t working, it can be highly frustrating for users. 

The AppsFlyer SDK performs two basic functions: 

  1.  It creates a shortened deep link that enables users to share listings or searches through the app.
  2. It resolves the deep link when someone taps on it.

When a deep link is opened, the AppsFlyer SDK makes a backend call, then returns a longer deep link for handling and processing.

Here’s a sample Appsflyer shortened deep link for a home listing:

The resolved longer deep link looks something like this:

The resolved link takes users to the full listing, with all the necessary information presented in an aesthetically pleasing way:

While this is how it’s supposed to work, thanks to user feedback, we discovered it wasn’t always working as intended.

Earlier this year, we received feedback from some users that deep links were occasionally taking them to a page with a list of homes instead of the specific listing being shared. Immediately, I set out to improve the stability and performance of our deep links.

The first step to improving the stability and performance of our deep link was for me to wrap my head around’s deep linking code in the app and learn the ropes of the AppsFlyer SDK documentation. Their APIs had evolved over time, and soon I realized that our app was resolving deep links using an older method.

Older way 

Earlier, our app was creating an instance of the DeepLinkListener() callback, but it wasn’t calling the subscribeForDeeplink() method. This led to a timing issue in some cases. Most of the time, the callback would be invoked with the resolved deep link returned from AppsFlyer if it was received after the creation of the callback, but it would fail when the resolved deep link was received before the creation of the callback. This led the user to the general Search page with a list of listings shown on the map instead of the specific listing.

Newer way 

The solution was to use subscribeForDeeplink() method, which would take the DeepLinkListener() callback as an input parameter and would be listening to the response from AppsFlyer asynchronously instead of being dependent on the timing of DeepLinkListener() callback being created. This ensured that the response received from AppsFlyer backend wasn’t missed and the user was led to the correct specific listing page.

AppsFlyerLib.getInstance().subscribeForDeepLink { deepLinkResult ->

   val dlStatus = deepLinkResult.status

   val deepLinkObj = deepLinkResult.deepLink

   if (dlStatus == DeepLinkResult.Status.FOUND && 

  !deepLinkObj.deepLinkValue.isNullOrBlank()) {

       // Action after Successful resolution of deeplink

   } else {

       // Action after Error in resolution of deeplink



In addition to making this change, we implemented structural changes, like moving the business logic to the ViewModel and helper classes. We also added more unit testing to prevent production bugs and improve the software quality. In this way, we were able to close the outstanding bugs related to deep linking and reduce the errors related to deep links. The restructuring of code also improved the separation of concerns, such as business logic/views/backend API calls and only relevant code in the activity class, as per Google’s guidelines on Android development. Moreover, we implemented a dashboard to monitor deep link failure. 

Together, these changes have made our app more stable for users and will expedite future development for our team. 

The mobile team at is always in search of ways to improve upon our apps based on user feedback and create the best possible user experience. Read more about how we’re constantly innovating to take our industry-leading platform to the next level.

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