Everything you need to know about the state of Australia’s property markets in 20 charts – July 2023

Rex Mullens

key takeaways

Key takeaways

Early this year the Australian housing market turned the corner despite challenges such as high inflation, rising interest rates, recession fears, and low consumer confidence.

The combined value of residential real estate in Australia rose to $9.8 trillion at the end of June, up from from $9.6 trillion in the previous month and $9.5 trillion the month before.

Despite a recent bounceback, home values are -5.3% lower year-on-year.

The combined capital cities dwelling market value rose 1.2% in June, easing from a 1.4% lift in May.

Values across the combined capital cities arising it more than twice the pace of combined regional markets which saw venues increase by 0.5% in June.

The lowest change in values was across Hobart, where home values declined -12.7% in the past year.

Sales volumes are stabilizing, despite being down from recent highs in 2021, with dwelling sales -20.3% lower year on year.

Want to know what’s happening to the housing markets around Australia?

Well, this monthly collection of charts from CoreLogic paints an interesting picture.

Our property markets clearly turned the corner earlier this year, having now moved to the upturn phase of the property cycle.

Despite 12 interest rate increases from the Reserve Bank of Australia, which have seen official rates rise by 4 per cent over the last year, property prices have kept rising, and the RBA’s pause in hiking rates in the month of July will only fuel our housing markets further.

However inflation is still a problem and Australia’s economy is still growing too strongly for the RBA’s liking, meaning the road ahead will not be without bumps.

While overall consumer confidence has taken a significant hit, home buyer confidence has improved, yet sellers have gone on strike not delivering sufficient properties to the market for sale.

  • The total value of Australian residential real estate was $9.8 trillion at the end of June 2023. This has been increasing month after month, but I still remember when this figure was closer to $10 trillion earlier last year.
  • However, outstanding mortgages against all residential housing are only $2.2 trillion – a very comfortable 22% Loan to Value ratio.
  • 56.3% of total Aussie household wealth is held in residential property – one of the many reasons neither the banks, the government nor the RBA wants a property crash.

Residential Real Estate

  • National home values rose 2.8% in the June quarter, which is the highest quarterly movement since January 2022.

  • On a monthly basis, the pace of growth eased from 1.2% in May to 1.1% in June.

  • The positive trend in capital city home sales is a symptom of persistently low levels of available housing supply running up against rising housing demand. Buyers are becoming more competitive and there’s an element of FOMO creeping into the market.

  • However, our property markets are fragmented and while most segments growing, some are still languishing.

  • The combined capital cities dwelling market value rose 1.2% in June, easing from a 1.4% lift in May. Values across the combined capitals are rising at more than twice the pace of the combined regional market, which saw values increase by 0.5% in June.

Change In Dwelling Values 3 Months To June 2023

Rolling Quarterly Change In Dwelling Values

  • Dwelling values in Australia are -5.3% lower over the past 12 months.
  • Combined regional property markets rose 1.1% over three months to June, and were down -6.5% over the last year.
  • The highest annual growth rate in dwelling values among the regional and capital city dwelling markets was across Regional SA, at 8.7%%.
  • The lowest change in values was across Hobart where home values declined -12.7% in the past year.

Change In Dwelling Values 12 Months To June 2023

But, as mentioned previously, within each state, our housing markets are fragmented, and the more expensive sectors of the market which led to the downturn are leading the upturn.

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